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    Call for Papers: 4th International Food & Society Conference

    Call for Papers:

    • Title: Sustainable and Inclusive Food Systems
    • Date: 16-18 November 2023
    • Location: Grand Margherita Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
    • Registration Deadline: 30 October 2023

    A consensus and stable definition of a sustainable food system is difficult to achieve due to the complexity of the food system concept and the diversity of the stakeholders involved. Social movements advocating for sustainable food systems have become some of the most significant and thrilling movements of our time, but theorizing the scope and substance of sustainable food systems continues to be a challenge for academia. Bell and Morse’s 2000 attempt to establish a set of holistic and qualitative sustainability indicators, while meritorious, remains an unfinished experiment. Recent events, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, have brought to light tensions in the global food system, particularly with regard to the vulnerability of the global food supply chain and the impact of climate change.

    These two main issues necessitate immediate scientific investigation and represent our upcoming conference’s top research priorities in the following terms:

    • Theme 1: Sustainable Food Supply Chain
    • Theme 2: Environment & Climate Change
    • Theme 3: Food Security
    • Theme 4: Food Sovereignty
    • Theme 5: Food Inclusivity
    • Theme 6: Other Food Sustainability Or Inclusivity Related Themes

    How to Submit:

    • Send a 300-word abstract, including a maximum of 5 keywords to the following
    • email address: [email protected]
    • Mention the following information in the right sequence:
    • Author(s)’full names, affiliation, and corresponding author.
    • Use Time New Roman font, size 12 (title in bold and in size 14).
    • All presented papers shall have an opportunity for publication, upon acceptance
    • of full paper draft submission, either in the Journal of Ethnic and Diversity Studies
    • at the National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia),
    • or as a book chapter of an edited volume published by the National University of Malaysia Press.


    We welcome scholarly contributions (publishing opportunities will be provided), but we are also interested in creating forums for journalists, culinary writers, and activists. Please contact us via email: [email protected] for more information.

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