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    Mindful Actions for Climate Change Symposium

      /  Mindful Actions for Climate Change Symposium

    Mindful Actions for Climate Change Symposium

    In an era where the impact of human activities on the planet has reached critical levels, we come together to explore and promote mindful actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This symposium aims to bridge the gap between research, policy, and public awareness, fostering collaboration and inspiring actionable steps toward a sustainable future. As the urgency to address climate change intensifies, this symposium serves as a platform for interdisciplinary discussions, innovative solutions, and collective mindfulness towards sustainable practices and individual behaviour change. ​

    ​The day-long symposium will bring together leading academics, community leaders and activists, practitioners of mindfulness, and monastics who studied under Thich Nhat Hanh.

    Join us for an inspiring and informative day of discussion, networking, and mindfulness.

    This event is free and open to the public through an online webinar.

    Please register here by end of day on April 14th!

    Reference: https://www.mindfulpublichealth.org/news-events/mindful-actions-for-climate-change-symposium/

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