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    August 2023

      /    /  August

    Highlight of the Week! "A UNESCO Chair is: ‘a project and a team at a university or a higher education or research institution that partners with UNESCO in order to advance knowledge and practice in an area that is a priority for both the institution and UNESCO" - UNESCO Chair "Global Health and Education"Swiss Institute of Management and Sciences (SIMS) is pleased to announce the collaboration between SIMS and the Unesco Chair on education, culture, science, and media, which seeks to promote peace and security through information sharing at the grassroots

    Highlight of the week! The Swiss Institute of Management and Sciences has joined the UK ENIC, it is our pleasure to announce.UK ENIC is the United Kingdom's National Information Centre for global qualifications and abilities. In order to meet the UK's continuing treaty obligations under the Lisbon Recognition Convention, the former UK NARIC recognition agency function transformed from a NARIC (which is a title exclusive to the EU) to an ENIC (the European title for national recognition agencies). Accreditation achievement should continue to be pursued to provide more benefits to students.The

    Call for Papers: Title: Sustainable and Inclusive Food Systems Date: 16-18 November 2023 Location: Grand Margherita Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia Registration Deadline: 30 October 2023 A consensus and stable definition of a sustainable food system is difficult to achieve due to the complexity of the food system concept and the diversity of the stakeholders involved. Social movements advocating for sustainable food systems have become some of the most significant and thrilling movements of our time, but theorizing the scope and substance of sustainable food systems continues to be a challenge for academia. Bell and

    Highlight of the week! The Swiss Institute of Management and Sciences is pleased to announce that it has received OTHM’s sanction – Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) – United Kingdom authorized and regulated the Awarding Body. The cooperation should develop and promote the following activities in particular:  In a program, candidates will receive dual degrees from OTHM and SIMS. After graduating from any university, students can continue on to a higher level. Not only is the programme acknowledged in Switzerland, but also in the United Kingdom and European. About SIMS SIMS